
the fun-fridge

at palais tokyo 


this is the concept store I was talking about
its called BlackBlock and I strongly recomend it
its so difficult to decide what to take home and add to all the crazy stuff I already have around! i want it all! 
I´ve already had the Diana camara for a year now (bough it in NY) and I´ve added the origami high heel to my wish list!

looking at the picture I realise how cool the hand candle is 
and that i should go back and get it!

dont you just want to sit on this chair?!
well you can! 
...at the restaurant all chairs are like this one (food is ok, could be better 
but place is groovy for drinks)

the coolest USB´z
the pink lego one and the dog (wich my friend Ale bought)
when you plug the dog to the computer it starts to do abs!
my house is full of stuff like these... I have about 4 USBs (...nerd!)

what would you take with you?!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhhh in my next trip to paris im defenetly going to that concept store!!! quiero un USB!!!!!


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