
metereological revolution

its raining again in Paris... :(


unconventional art

                    Art by Erika Iris Simmons 
                   passion for self-expression
recycling found materials
"I love the nostalgia of the archaic and I hope that not everything which has outlived its use goes to waste" - Erika Simmons



 plastikiest purchase


The power of the marshmallow garden. Part 3

We found it and he crushed it

our new discovery! and playground
and abandoned (or so we thought) old-vintage-looking-with-so-much-pontencial sofa

we rocked it!
until he came...
grumpy old man that doesnt like kids like us play with the sofa he is ready to chuck

literally, chuck it!

I still got to get away with it... hihi

The power of the marshmallow garden. Part 2

My defeat against growing nature

I was convinced I could straighten up the tree

Tree 1 - Tanya 0

it still continues...

Marshmallow garden. Part 1

Encounter with the power

Once upon a time there were two girls who walked, and walked over and over the old streets of Paris in the search for enlightment. After wandering aimlessly, they were mesmerized by a sweet aroma, which led them to what to them seemed the closest to paradise. The candy garden. A secret place in the heart of the city, that is only revealed to the most sweet-toothed. Only a few lucky ones can enjoy the edible garden and eat as much as they want. Explosive flavors, from sweet strawberry to refreshening pepermint, though most special of all, are the marshmallows that hang from the tree branches. Those braves ones who dare to eat them are granted great power, strength, invincibility and unquenchable energy. The two curious girls ate and ate until they began to notice the powers start to take action and with it their intentions of taking over the city.
Our adventures begin here...

A & T´s adventures will continue..


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the view from earth

Promenade a Paris

where would you go?


live representation of a comic


 live representation of a comic